TableProducts Object
[_lhash:VmTable:private] => 3361979669
[_tbl:protected] => #__virtuemart_products
[_tbl_lang:protected] => #__virtuemart_products_nl_nl
[_tbl_key:protected] => virtuemart_product_id
[_tbl_keys:protected] => Array
[0] => virtuemart_product_id
[_pkey:protected] => virtuemart_product_id
[_pkeyForm:protected] => cid
[_obkeys] => Array
[product_name] => 1
[slug] => 1
[_unique:protected] => 1
[_unique_name] => Array
[slug] => 1
[_orderingKey:protected] => ordering
[_slugAutoName] => product_name
[_slugName] => slug
[_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object
[_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => greenhous_jos1
[name] => mysqli
[serverType] => mysql
[connection:protected] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => 1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 8.1.31
[client_version] => 80131
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 34
[host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 10.6.20-MariaDB
[server_version] => 100620
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 1044744
[warning_count] => 0
[count:protected] => 55
[cursor:protected] =>
[debug:protected] =>
[limit:protected] => 0
[log:protected] => Array
[timings:protected] => Array
[callStacks:protected] => Array
[nameQuote:protected] => `
[nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[offset:protected] => 0
[options:protected] => Array
[driver] => mysqli
[host] => localhost
[user] => greenhous_jos1
[password] => 7jWR5TSsmS
[database] => greenhous_jos1
[prefix] => jos_
[select] => 1
[port] => 3306
[socket] =>
[sql:protected] => SELECT i.*, j.`extension_id`,j.`name`, j.`type`, j.`element`, j.`folder`, j.`client_id`, j.`enabled`, j.`access`, j.`protected`, j.`manifest_cache`,
j.`params`, j.`custom_data`, j.`checked_out`, j.`checked_out_time`, j.`state`, s.virtuemart_shoppergroup_id , j.`system_data` , l.payment_name, l.payment_desc FROM #__virtuemart_paymentmethods as i
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_paymentmethods_nl_nl` as l ON l.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` = i.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__extensions` as j ON j.`extension_id` = i.`payment_jplugin_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__virtuemart_paymentmethod_shoppergroups` AS s ON i.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` = s.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` WHERE i.`published` = "1" AND (i.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "1" OR i.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "0" OR i.`shared` = "1")
AND ( s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "2" OR (s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`) IS NULL ) GROUP BY i.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` ORDER BY i.`ordering`
[tablePrefix:protected] => jos_
[utf:protected] => 1
[utf8mb4:protected] => 1
[errorNum:protected] => 0
[errorMsg:protected] =>
[transactionDepth:protected] => 0
[disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array
[_rules:protected] =>
[_trackAssets:protected] =>
[_locked:protected] =>
[_loggable:protected] => 1
[_xParams] => product_params
[_varsToPushParam] => Array
[min_order_level] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[max_order_level] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[step_order_level] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[shared_stock] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => int
[product_box] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[_translatable] => 1
[_translatableFields:protected] => Array
[0] => product_name
[1] => product_s_desc
[2] => product_desc
[3] => metadesc
[4] => metakey
[5] => customtitle
[slug] => slug
[_dateFields:protected] => Array
[0] => product_available_date
[1] => locked_on
[2] => created_on
[3] => modified_on
[_hashName:protected] =>
[_omittedHashFields:protected] => Array
[_cryptedFields] =>
[_langTag] => nl_nl
[_ltmp] =>
[_loadedWithLangFallback] => 0
[_loaded] => 1
[_updateNulls:protected] => 1
[_toConvertDec:protected] => Array
[_toConvertInt:protected] => Array
[_genericVendorId:protected] => 1
[_update] =>
[_tablePreFix] => p.
[virtuemart_product_id] => 475
[virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1
[product_parent_id] => 0
[product_sku] => KK
[product_gtin] =>
[product_mpn] =>
[product_name] => 6.24 Katoen krans
[slug] => 6-24-katoen-krans
[product_s_desc] =>
[product_desc] =>
Workshop 2024
Doe-het-zelf pakket.
Een uitgebreid stappenplan wordt meegeleverd.
[product_weight] => 0 [product_weight_uom] => KG [product_length] => 0 [product_width] => 0 [product_height] => 0 [product_lwh_uom] => M [product_url] => [product_in_stock] => 999999 [product_ordered] => 0 [product_stockhandle] => 0 [low_stock_notification] => 0 [product_available_date] => 2024-11-18 00:00:00 [product_availability] => [product_special] => 0 [product_discontinued] => 0 [pordering] => 0 [product_sales] => 0 [product_unit] => KG [product_packaging] => 0 [product_params] => min_order_level=""|max_order_level=""|step_order_level=""|shared_stock=0|product_box=""| [intnotes] => [customtitle] => [metadesc] => [metakey] => [metarobot] => [metaauthor] => [layout] => [published] => 1 [has_categories] => 1 [has_manufacturers] => 0 [has_medias] => 1 [has_prices] => 1 [has_shoppergroups] => 0 [product_canon_category_id] => 0 [_autoincrement] => 1 [created_on] => 2024-11-18 20:18:22 [created_by] => 744 [modified_on] => 2024-11-25 19:44:43 [modified_by] => 744 [locked_on] => [locked_by] => 0 [min_order_level] => [max_order_level] => [step_order_level] => [shared_stock] => 0 [product_box] => [allIds] => Array ( [0] => 475 ) [virtuemart_media_id] => Array ( [0] => 687 ) [shoppergroups] => [allPrices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [virtuemart_product_price_id] => 393 [virtuemart_product_id] => 475 [virtuemart_shoppergroup_id] => 0 [product_price] => 43.57798 [override] => 0 [product_override_price] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 0 [product_discount_id] => 0 [product_currency] => 47 [product_price_publish_up] => [product_price_publish_down] => [price_quantity_start] => 0 [price_quantity_end] => 0 [created_on] => 2024-11-18 20:18:22 [created_by] => 744 [modified_on] => 2024-11-25 19:44:43 [modified_by] => 744 [locked_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [locked_by] => 0 [costPrice] => 43.57798 [basePrice] => 43.57798 [basePriceVariant] => 43.57798 [basePriceWithTax] => 47.5 [discountedPriceWithoutTax] => 43.57798 [priceBeforeTax] => 43.57798 [salesPrice] => 47.5 [taxAmount] => 3.92202 [salesPriceWithDiscount] => 0 [salesPriceTemp] => 47.5 [unitPrice] => 0 [discountAmount] => -0 [priceWithoutTax] => 43.57798 [variantModification] => 0 [DBTax] => Array ( ) [Tax] => Array ( ) [VatTax] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => BTW [1] => 9.0000 [2] => +% [3] => 0 [4] => 47 [5] => [6] => 1 [7] => 1 ) ) [DATax] => Array ( ) [Marge] => Array ( ) [salesPriceTt] => 47.5 [discountedPriceWithoutTaxTt] => 43.57798 [priceWithoutTaxTt] => 43.57798 [discountAmountTt] => -0 [taxAmountTt] => 3.92202 ) ) [selectedPrice] => 0 [virtuemart_manufacturer_id] => Array ( ) [categoryItem] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [virtuemart_category_id] => 8 [category_parent_id] => 0 [virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1 [category_name] => Workshops [slug] => workshops [category_description] => [category_template] => [category_layout] => workshops [category_product_layout] => workshop [products_per_row] => [ordering] => 10 [shared] => 0 [cat_params] => show_store_desc=""|showcategory_desc=""|showcategory=""|categories_per_row=""|showproducts=""|omitLoaded=""|showsearch=""|productsublayout=""|featured=""|featured_rows=""|omitLoaded_featured=""|discontinued=""|discontinued_rows=""|omitLoaded_discontinued=""|latest=""|latest_rows=""|omitLoaded_latest=""|topten=""|topten_rows=""|omitLoaded_topten=""|recent=""|recent_rows=""|omitLoaded_recent=""| [limit_list_step] => 0 [limit_list_initial] => 0 [metadesc] => [customtitle] => [metakey] => Workshop [metarobot] => [metaauthor] => [published] => 1 [has_children] => 0 [has_medias] => 1 [created_on] => 2020-02-05 12:54:38 [created_by] => 730 [modified_on] => 2024-10-10 10:48:15 [modified_by] => 744 [locked_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [locked_by] => 0 [show_store_desc] => [showcategory_desc] => [showcategory] => [categories_per_row] => [showproducts] => [omitLoaded] => [showsearch] => [productsublayout] => [featured] => [featured_rows] => [omitLoaded_featured] => [discontinued] => [discontinued_rows] => [omitLoaded_discontinued] => [latest] => [latest_rows] => [omitLoaded_latest] => [topten] => [topten_rows] => [omitLoaded_topten] => [recent] => [recent_rows] => [omitLoaded_recent] => [id] => 520 ) [1] => Array ( [virtuemart_category_id] => 18 [category_parent_id] => 0 [virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1 [category_name] => Doe-het-zelf pakketten [slug] => doe-het-zelf-pakketten [category_description] => [category_template] => [category_layout] => default [category_product_layout] => [products_per_row] => [ordering] => 0 [shared] => 0 [cat_params] => show_store_desc=""|showcategory_desc=""|showcategory=""|categories_per_row=""|showproducts=""|omitLoaded=""|showsearch=""|productsublayout=""|featured=""|featured_rows=""|omitLoaded_featured=""|discontinued=""|discontinued_rows=""|omitLoaded_discontinued=""|latest=""|latest_rows=""|omitLoaded_latest=""|topten=""|topten_rows=""|omitLoaded_topten=""|recent=""|recent_rows=""|omitLoaded_recent=""| [limit_list_step] => 0 [limit_list_initial] => 0 [metadesc] => [customtitle] => [metakey] => [metarobot] => [metaauthor] => [published] => 1 [has_children] => 0 [has_medias] => 1 [created_on] => 2020-12-01 12:11:39 [created_by] => 744 [modified_on] => 2021-03-13 08:56:38 [modified_by] => 744 [locked_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [locked_by] => 0 [show_store_desc] => [showcategory_desc] => [showcategory] => [categories_per_row] => [showproducts] => [omitLoaded] => [showsearch] => [productsublayout] => [featured] => [featured_rows] => [omitLoaded_featured] => [discontinued] => [discontinued_rows] => [omitLoaded_discontinued] => [latest] => [latest_rows] => [omitLoaded_latest] => [topten] => [topten_rows] => [omitLoaded_topten] => [recent] => [recent_rows] => [omitLoaded_recent] => [id] => 521 ) ) [mf_name] => [mf_desc] => [mf_url] => [canonCatId] => 8 [canonCatIdname] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 8 [1] => 18 ) [virtuemart_category_id] => 8 [ordering] => 10 [id] => 520 [category_name] => Workshops [orderable] => 1 [show_notify] => [product_realparent_id] => 0 [modificatorSum] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 0 [amount] => 1 [quantity] => 1 [prices] => Array ( [virtuemart_product_price_id] => 393 [virtuemart_product_id] => 475 [virtuemart_shoppergroup_id] => 0 [product_price] => 43.57798 [override] => 0 [product_override_price] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 0 [product_discount_id] => 0 [product_currency] => 47 [product_price_publish_up] => [product_price_publish_down] => [price_quantity_start] => 0 [price_quantity_end] => 0 [created_on] => 2024-11-18 20:18:22 [created_by] => 744 [modified_on] => 2024-11-25 19:44:43 [modified_by] => 744 [locked_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [locked_by] => 0 [costPrice] => 43.57798 [basePrice] => 43.57798 [basePriceVariant] => 43.57798 [basePriceWithTax] => 47.5 [discountedPriceWithoutTax] => 43.57798 [priceBeforeTax] => 43.57798 [salesPrice] => 47.5 [taxAmount] => 3.92202 [salesPriceWithDiscount] => 0 [salesPriceTemp] => 47.5 [unitPrice] => 0 [discountAmount] => -0 [priceWithoutTax] => 43.57798 [variantModification] => 0 [DBTax] => Array ( ) [Tax] => Array ( ) [VatTax] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => BTW [1] => 9.0000 [2] => +% [3] => 0 [4] => 47 [5] => [6] => 1 [7] => 1 ) ) [DATax] => Array ( ) [Marge] => Array ( ) [salesPriceTt] => 47.5 [discountedPriceWithoutTaxTt] => 43.57798 [priceWithoutTaxTt] => 43.57798 [discountAmountTt] => -0 [taxAmountTt] => 3.92202 ) [canonical] => index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=475&virtuemart_category_id=8 [link] => index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=475&virtuemart_category_id=8 [addToCartButton] => [customfieldsSorted] => Array ( [addtocart] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [virtuemart_custom_id] => 4 [custom_parent_id] => 0 [virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1 [custom_jplugin_id] => 0 [custom_element] => 0 [admin_only] => 0 [custom_title] => Keuze [show_title] => 1 [custom_tip] => [custom_value] => [custom_desc] => [field_type] => S [is_list] => 0 [is_hidden] => 0 [is_cart_attribute] => 1 [is_input] => 1 [searchable] => 0 [layout_pos] => addtocart [custom_params] => addEmpty="0"|selectType="0"|multiplyPrice=""|transform=""| [shared] => 0 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 0 [virtuemart_shoppergroup_id] => [virtuemart_customfield_id] => 3154 [virtuemart_product_id] => 475 [customfield_value] => Katoen krans [customfield_price] => 0.000000 [customfield_params] => product_sku=""|product_gtin=""|product_mpn=""| [fpublished] => 0 [override] => 0 [disabler] => 0 [noninheritable] => 0 [product_sku] => [product_gtin] => [product_mpn] => [_varsToPushParam] => Array ( [addEmpty] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => int ) [selectType] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => int ) [multiplyPrice] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => string [2] => list [3] => Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_ADDPRICE [base_productprice] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_PERC_ON_BASEPRICE [base_variantprice] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_PERC_ON_VARIANTPRICE [-1] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_PERC_ON_MODIFICATOR ) ) ) [transform] => Array ( [0] => [1] => area ) [product_sku] => Array ( [0] => [1] => string ) [product_gtin] => Array ( [0] => [1] => string ) [product_mpn] => Array ( [0] => [1] => string ) ) [addEmpty] => 0 [selectType] => 0 [multiplyPrice] => [transform] => [_xParams] => customfield_params [display] => [options] => Array ( [3154] => stdClass Object ( [virtuemart_custom_id] => 4 [custom_parent_id] => 0 [virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1 [custom_jplugin_id] => 0 [custom_element] => 0 [admin_only] => 0 [custom_title] => Keuze [show_title] => 1 [custom_tip] => [custom_value] => [custom_desc] => [field_type] => S [is_list] => 0 [is_hidden] => 0 [is_cart_attribute] => 1 [is_input] => 1 [searchable] => 0 [layout_pos] => addtocart [custom_params] => addEmpty="0"|selectType="0"|multiplyPrice=""|transform=""| [shared] => 0 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 0 [virtuemart_shoppergroup_id] => [virtuemart_customfield_id] => 3154 [virtuemart_product_id] => 475 [customfield_value] => Katoen krans [customfield_price] => 0.000000 [customfield_params] => product_sku=""|product_gtin=""|product_mpn=""| [fpublished] => 0 [override] => 0 [disabler] => 0 [noninheritable] => 0 [product_sku] => [product_gtin] => [product_mpn] => [_varsToPushParam] => Array ( [addEmpty] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => int ) [selectType] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => int ) [multiplyPrice] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => string [2] => list [3] => Array ( [options] => Array ( [0] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_ADDPRICE [base_productprice] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_PERC_ON_BASEPRICE [base_variantprice] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_PERC_ON_VARIANTPRICE [-1] => COM_VM_CUSTOM_PERC_ON_MODIFICATOR ) ) ) [transform] => Array ( [0] => [1] => area ) [product_sku] => Array ( [0] => [1] => string ) [product_gtin] => Array ( [0] => [1] => string ) [product_mpn] => Array ( [0] => [1] => string ) ) [addEmpty] => 0 [selectType] => 0 [multiplyPrice] => [transform] => [_xParams] => customfield_params [display] => [options] => [text] => Katoen krans ) ) [customProductDataName] => customProductData[475][4] ) ) ) [images] => Array ( [0] => VmImage Object ( [media_attributes] => 0 [setRole] => [_mRoles] => [file_name] => Krans -18 [file_extension] => jpg [virtuemart_media_id] => 687 [noImageSet] => [virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1 [file_title] => Krans -18.jpg [file_description] => [file_meta] => [file_class] => [file_mimetype] => image/jpeg [file_type] => product [file_url] => images/virtuemart/product/Krans -18.jpg [file_url_folder] => images/virtuemart/product/ [file_path_folder] => images/virtuemart/product/ [file_url_thumb] => [file_name_thumb] => [file_url_folder_thumb] => images/virtuemart/product/resized/ [published] => 1 [file_is_downloadable] => 0 [file_is_forSale] => 0 [file_is_product_image] => 0 [media_role] => file_is_displayable [shared] => 0 [file_params] => [file_lang] => [created_on] => 2024-11-18 20:18:22 [created_by] => 744 [modified_on] => 2024-11-25 19:44:43 [modified_by] => 744 [locked_on] => [locked_by] => 0 [_foldersToTest:VmMediaHandler:private] => Array ( [0] => /home/greenhous/domains/ [1] => /home/greenhous/domains/ ) [_actions] => Array ( ) [_mLocation] => Array ( ) [_hidden:VmMediaHandler:private] => Array ( ) [setRealImageSize] => 1 ) ) [file_url_thumb] => [file_url] => images/virtuemart/product/Krans -18.jpg [neighbours] => Array ( [next] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [virtuemart_product_id] => 466 [ordering] => 11 [product_name] => 1.23 Ballen-bollen-boom ) ) [previous] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [virtuemart_product_id] => 474 [ordering] => 9 [product_name] => 5.24 Rustiek ) ) ) [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) )6.24 Katoen krans
€ 47,50
Workshop 2024
Doe-het-zelf pakket.
Een uitgebreid stappenplan wordt meegeleverd.
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